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G2Labs Grzegorz Grzęda

Get directory of currently run python script

April 9, 2023

Delving into Python’s os.path: Unveiling the Current Script’s Directory

In the dynamic world of Python programming, understanding and manipulating file paths is a frequent necessity, especially when dealing with file I/O operations, logging, data reading/writing, and more. Today, let’s explore a handy Python code snippet that reveals the directory of the currently executing script using the os.path module.

The os Module and os.path: Your Pathway to File System Navigation

Python’s standard library is a treasure trove, and the os module is one of its jewels. This module provides a way to use operating system-dependent functionality, including file and directory operations, irrespective of the underlying OS.

The os.path submodule is specifically designed for path manipulations. It allows for platform-independent manipulation of file paths, which is crucial for writing cross-platform code.

Breaking Down the Code

Now, let’s dissect the provided code snippet:

import os

file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
directory_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)


Importing os

import os

The script begins by importing the os module. This single line opens the door to a suite of operating system functionalities, including but not limited to file system navigation.

Getting the Real Path of the Current File

file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)

Here, os.path.realpath(__file__) is used to obtain the absolute path of the currently executing script.

Extracting the Directory Path

directory_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)

Next, the os.path.dirname() function extracts the directory part from the absolute file path. This function returns the directory name of the specified path. It’s a vital tool when your script needs to know its own location – perhaps to access other files in the same directory or to change the working directory.

Displaying the Directory Path


Finally, the script prints the directory path. This output is invaluable in scenarios where the script’s location is a pivot for further file operations, be it logging, data file access, or as a base path for accessing other directories.

Practical Applications

Understanding this code snippet is not just an exercise in Python path manipulation; it has real-world applications:


The power of Python’s os.path module in file path manipulations cannot be overstated. It’s essential for Python developers to understand and effectively utilize these functionalities to write more robust, portable, and efficient scripts. The ability to programmatically determine the script’s directory is just one of the many capabilities os.path offers, making it an indispensable tool in your Python programming arsenal.

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