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Debugging techniques for nRF52 applications

December 29, 2023

Debugging Techniques for nRF52 Applications

Debugging can be a challenging task for any programmer, but with the right techniques and tools, it becomes more manageable. In this blog post, we will explore some debugging techniques specifically tailored for nRF52 applications. We will cover a range of scenarios and provide extensive examples and explanations to help you master the art of debugging nRF52 applications.

The Segger J-Link Debugger is a powerful tool for debugging nRF52 applications. It provides features such as hardware breakpoints, real-time variable tracking, and code profiling. Let’s dive into some examples of how you can leverage this debugger to diagnose and fix issues in your nRF52 applications.

Example 1: Setting Hardware Breakpoints

Hardware breakpoints allow you to pause the execution of your code at a specific memory address. This is helpful when trying to track down a particular line of code that may be causing an issue. To set a hardware breakpoint in your nRF52 application using the Segger J-Link Debugger, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your nRF52 device to the debugger.
  2. Set a breakpoint by specifying the memory address using the break command. For example: break main.c:42 sets a breakpoint at line 42 of the main.c file.
  3. Run your application and let it execute until it hits the breakpoint. At this point, the execution will pause, and you can examine variables, registers, and memory.

Example 2: Real-Time Variable Tracking

Understanding how variables change during runtime can help uncover hidden bugs. The Segger J-Link Debugger provides real-time variable tracking, allowing you to monitor variable values as your code executes. Here’s an example of how you can leverage this feature:

  1. Set a breakpoint at a specific location in your code where you want to start tracking variables.
  2. Run your application until it hits the breakpoint.
  3. Use the monitor command with the watch option, followed by the variable name, to track its value. For example: monitor watch myVar.
  4. Resume execution and observe how the variable value changes in real-time.

Example 3: Code Profiling

Identifying performance bottlenecks is crucial for optimizing your nRF52 application. The Segger J-Link Debugger includes code profiling capabilities to help you locate areas of code that consume excessive resources. Follow these steps to profile your nRF52 application:

  1. Enable code profiling in your application’s build settings.
  2. Flash your application onto the nRF52 device.
  3. Start the Segger J-Link Debugger and connect to your device.
  4. Run your application.
  5. Use the monitor command with the profile option to start the profiling session. For instance: monitor profile start.
  6. Perform the tasks you want to profile.
  7. Stop the profiling session using monitor profile stop.

The profiling results will provide valuable insights on code execution times and resource usage, enabling you to optimize those areas for better performance.

2. Logging and Serial Output

In addition to using a debugger, logging and serial output are essential techniques for debugging nRF52 applications. By incorporating logging statements in your code, you can trace the flow of execution and print relevant information. Here’s an example of how you can enable logging and leverage serial output for debugging purposes:

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, ...) \
    do { \
        if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { \
            printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
        } \
    } while (0)

void init_debugging() {
    // Set up the serial output here

int main() {

    // Code execution...

    DEBUG_PRINT("Variable value: %d\n", myVariable);

    // More code execution...

    return 0;

In this example, we define a macro called DEBUG_PRINT that conditionally prints debug information when a DEBUG_ENABLED flag is set. By strategically placing these logging statements throughout your code, you can observe the values of variables and track the control flow.


As an nRF52 developer, familiarizing yourself with debugging techniques is vital for efficient troubleshooting and code optimization. In this blog post, we explored leveraging the Segger J-Link Debugger for hardware breakpoints, real-time variable tracking, and code profiling. Additionally, we discussed the importance of logging and serial output for debugging purposes. By mastering these techniques and incorporating them into your workflow, you will become a more proficient nRF52 application developer. Happy debugging!

➡️ Optimizing code size and performance on the nRF52

⬅️ Exploring power management techniques on the nRF52

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