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Introduction to AVR Assembly Language Programming with Atmega-328

January 30, 2024

Introduction to AVR Assembly Language Programming with Atmega-328

What is Assembly Language Programming?

Assembly language programming is a low-level programming language that is specific to a particular computer architecture or processor. It provides a direct correspondence between the instructions executed by the processor and the machine code generated by those instructions. Assembly language programs are written using mnemonic codes known as instructions, which are typically one-to-one translations of the underlying machine instructions.

AVR (Advanced Virtual RISC) is a family of microcontrollers developed by Atmel (now a part of Microchip Technology). The AVR architecture is a modified Harvard architecture and is commonly used in embedded systems due to its high performance, low power consumption, and easy-to-use design.

Why AVR Assembly Language?

AVR Assembly Language is especially useful when specific hardware features need to be utilized efficiently or when precise control over memory and registers is required. It allows direct access to peripherals and system resources, making it ideal for low-level programming tasks such as device drivers, real-time applications, and bare-metal programming.

Getting Started with AVR Assembly Language Programming

To begin programming AVR microcontrollers in assembly language, you’ll need the following:

  1. AVR microcontroller - We will be using the Atmega-328p, which is a popular choice for many DIY projects, prototyping, and Arduino boards.
  2. AVR Assembler - The assembler is required to convert the assembly code into machine code that the microcontroller can execute.
  3. AVR Programmer - A programmer is necessary to load the machine code onto the microcontroller.

Installing the Required Software

To set up the environment for AVR Assembly Language programming, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest version of the AVR-GCC toolchain, which includes the AVR Assembler. The toolchain is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  2. Connect the AVR programmer to your development machine and install the necessary drivers.
  3. Install a suitable integrated development environment (IDE) or text editor with syntax highlighting for assembly language programming. Popular choices include Atmel Studio, AVR Studio, or Visual Studio Code with the appropriate extensions.

Once the setup is complete, you’re ready to start writing AVR Assembly Language programs!

Basic Structure of an AVR Assembly Language Program

An AVR Assembly Language program typically consists of the following sections:

  1. Includes and Definitions: This section includes any necessary headers and defines constants, pin mappings, and other necessary configuration parameters.
  2. Data Section: Here, you define variables and constants that will be used by the program.
  3. Code Section: This section contains the actual instructions that the microcontroller will execute.

An Example Program: Blinking an LED

Let’s dive into a simple example program that blinks an LED connected to pin 13 of the Atmega-328p microcontroller. The code is written in AVR Assembly Language:

.include ""   ; Include the Atmega-328p definitions

.def temp = R16           ; Define a temporary register

.org 0x0000               ; Start at address 0x0000 in program memory

ldi temp, 0xFF            ; Load 0xFF into the temp register
out DDRB, temp           ; Set all the pins of port B as output

    ldi temp, 0xFF        ; Load 0xFF into the temp register
    out PORTB, temp       ; Set all the pins of port B high
    call delay            ; Call the delay subroutine

    ldi temp, 0x00        ; Load 0x00 into the temp register
    out PORTB, temp       ; Set all the pins of port B low
    call delay            ; Call the delay subroutine

    jmp loop              ; Jump back to the beginning of the loop

    ldi R18, 0x07          ; Load 0x07 into register R18

    dec R18                ; Decrement register R18
    brne delay_loop        ; Branch if not equal to zero

    ret                    ; Return from the subroutine

In this example, we are using port B of the Atmega-328p to control the LED. We set all the pins of port B as output, turn them on, call the delay subroutine, turn them off, and call the delay subroutine again. This creates a blinking effect.

The delay subroutine is used to introduce a delay between turning the LED on and off. It does this by looping a predefined number of times, creating a delay of approximately 1 ms.


AVR Assembly Language programming provides a powerful and efficient way to program microcontrollers for low-level tasks and applications that require precise control over hardware resources. In this blog post, we introduced the basics of AVR Assembly Language programming with the Atmega-328p microcontroller, including the setup process, program structure, and an example program. With this foundation, you can explore the vast capabilities of AVR microcontrollers and develop your own embedded systems.

Stay tuned for more articles and tutorials on AVR Assembly Language programming, as we delve deeper into instructions, memory access, interrupts, and more!

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