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Implementing PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on AVR Atmega-328

February 23, 2024

Implementing PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on AVR Atmega-328

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique widely used in embedded systems to control the amount of power delivered to a load. It allows us to efficiently control the average voltage or current supplied to a device by varying the duty cycle of a square wave signal. In this article, we’ll explore how to implement PWM using the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller.

What is PWM?

PWM works by rapidly switching a signal between two values - high and low - which creates a square wave. The ratio of time spent in the high state to the total period determines the duty cycle, which represents the power level. By changing the duty cycle, we can control the intensity of an LED, the speed of a motor, or the output of a power converter.

PWM on AVR Atmega-328

The Atmega-328 microcontroller, commonly found on Arduino boards, has several PWM-capable pins. These pins, denoted as OC0A, OC0B, OC1A, etc., can generate PWM signals of varying frequencies and resolutions.

Setting Up PWM on Atmega-328

To use PWM on Atmega-328, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a PWM-capable pin: Identify the pin you want to use for generating the PWM signal. Refer to the Atmega-328 datasheet to find the appropriate pins.

  2. Configure the Timer/Counter: To generate a PWM signal, we need to configure the Timer/Counter module on the microcontroller. This involves setting up the prescaler, mode, and control registers to define the frequency and resolution of the PWM signal. Each pin has its own associated Timer/Counter, so be sure to select the correct one.

  3. Set the PWM Mode: Determine the PWM mode based on your requirements. The most commonly used modes are Fast PWM and Phase Correct PWM. In Fast PWM mode, the counter counts up to a specific value and then resets, while in Phase Correct PWM mode, it counts up and then down.

  4. Set the Duty Cycle: Calculate the desired duty cycle as a percentage corresponding to the power level. The duty cycle is defined as the ratio of the active (high) time to the period of the PWM signal.

  5. Write the Code: Implement the necessary code to initialize Timer/Counter and set the duty cycle for the PWM pin. You can use a programming language such as C or assembly to interface with the registers and configure the PWM.

Example: Generating PWM with Arduino IDE

To demonstrate PWM generation on Atmega-328, let’s consider an example of driving an LED using the Arduino IDE. We’ll use pin 9 as the PWM pin.

  1. Open the Arduino IDE and create a new project.
  2. Initialize the PWM pin by defining it as an output pin: pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  3. Set the PWM frequency and resolution in the setup() function using the analogWriteFrequency() and analogWriteResolution() functions.
  4. Set the duty cycle periodically in the loop() function using the analogWrite() function. The duty cycle value should range between 0 (0% duty cycle) and the resolution value (100% duty cycle). For example, analogWrite(9, 128); sets a 50% duty cycle.
  5. Upload the code to the Arduino board and observe the LED brightness varying according to the duty cycle.


Implementing PWM on the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller allows for precise control over the power delivered to loads such as LEDs, motors, and more. By correctly configuring the Timer/Counter and manipulating duty cycles, you can achieve the desired power levels and control various aspects of your embedded projects. Experiment with different frequencies and duty cycles to fine-tune your applications. Happy PWM programming!

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