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Flask configuration and environment

March 26, 2024

Configuring your Flask application properly is crucial for handling different environments (development, testing, production) and managing application settings securely and efficiently. Flask provides several mechanisms to help you manage configuration and environment-specific settings.

Basic Configuration

Flask allows configurations to be set using an object, a module, or a file. Here’s a simple example:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'your-secret-key'

Using Configuration Files

For more complex applications, it’s common to use separate files or classes for configurations.

  1. Configuration Classes: You can define configuration settings in classes and load them based on the environment.

    class Config(object):
        DEBUG = False
        SECRET_KEY = 'default-key'
    class DevelopmentConfig(Config):
        DEBUG = True
    class ProductionConfig(Config):
        SECRET_KEY = 'production-key'
    # Load the configuration
  2. Environment Variables: Environment variables are key to managing settings that change between environments. Flask can use environment variables directly, or they can determine which configuration to load.

    import os
    app.config.from_object(os.environ.get('FLASK_ENV', ''))

    You can set the FLASK_ENV environment variable to switch between different configurations.

Configuration Best Practices

  1. Separation of Concerns: Keep configuration separate from your application logic. Use different configuration files or classes for different environments.

  2. Environment Variables for Sensitive Information: Store sensitive information like database URIs, secret keys, API keys, etc., in environment variables, not in your source code.

  3. Use .env Files for Local Development: For local development, you can use .env files to set environment variables. Libraries like python-dotenv can load these variables into your environment.

  4. Avoid Hard-Coding Configuration Values: Hard-coding configuration values, especially sensitive ones, is a security risk. Always externalize your configuration settings.

  5. Immutable Configuration: Consider using immutable configurations (using app.config.from_mapping() or ImmutableDict). This prevents accidental modification of configuration at runtime.

Using Flask Extensions for Configuration

Some Flask extensions like Flask-Env can simplify managing environment variables and configurations. These tools can help you automatically load configurations from environment variables or .env files.

Configuration in Larger Applications

In larger applications, you might have multiple configuration sets for different parts of your application (e.g., database settings, third-party service credentials). You can organize these into separate classes or files and load them as needed.


Proper configuration management is key to building scalable and secure Flask applications. By leveraging Flask’s configuration capabilities and following best practices, you can effectively manage different environments and settings. This not only enhances the security of your application but also makes it easier to maintain and deploy across various environments.

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