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G2Labs Grzegorz Grzęda

Building a Real-time Clock (RTC) using AVR Atmega-328

April 5, 2024

Building a Real-time Clock (RTC) using AVR Atmega-328

Welcome to another blog post! Today, we are going to explore the fascinating world of building a Real-time Clock (RTC) using AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller. RTCs are essential components in many electronic systems and can be found in applications like watches, alarm clocks, data loggers, and more.

In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Real-time Clocks (RTC)
  2. Understanding AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller
  3. Required Components
  4. Circuit Design and Connections
  5. Programming the AVR Atmega-328
  6. Displaying the Time on a 16x2 LCD

1. Introduction to Real-time Clocks (RTC)

Real-time clocks, as the name suggests, are timekeeping devices that continuously track the current time, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. They employ a dedicated clock circuit to generate accurate time-based signals. RTCs usually have an independent power supply, ensuring the clock keeps running even when the main system is powered off.

2. Understanding AVR Atmega-328 Microcontroller

AVR Atmega-328 is a popular 8-bit microcontroller widely used in various applications. It comes with built-in timers and a large number of input/output pins, making it a suitable choice for controlling and interacting with external devices.

3. Required Components

Before diving into the circuit design and programming, let’s gather the necessary components:

4. Circuit Design and Connections

Now, let’s design the circuit to connect the components properly. Follow the steps below:

  1. Connect the 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator between the two XTAL pins of the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller.
  2. Connect the 22 pF capacitors between each XTAL pin and ground.
  3. Connect a 10K resistor between the RESET pin and VCC.
  4. Connect the push-button switch between the RESET pin and ground.
  5. Connect the 16x2 LCD display to the appropriate data and control pins of the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller.

5. Programming the AVR Atmega-328

To program the AVR Atmega-328 with the desired functionality, we’ll be using a programming language called Arduino. Arduino provides a simplified and beginner-friendly interface to interact with microcontrollers, making it easier to program and test our circuits.

First, download and install the Arduino IDE from the official Arduino website. Then, open the IDE and create a new project.

For the RTC functionality, we need to use a suitable library. The “DS1307RTC” library is highly recommended as it provides functions to read and set the time.

6. Displaying the Time on a 16x2 LCD

To display the RTC time on a 16x2 LCD, we need to integrate the RTC library and the LCD library. The “LiquidCrystal” library is commonly used for interfacing with LCD displays.

Upload the code to the AVR Atmega-328 using the Arduino IDE. Ensure all the connections are correct before powering on the circuit.

Once the circuit is powered up, the RTC will start tracking time, and you should see the current time displayed on the LCD.


Congratulations on building your own Real-time Clock using the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller! Throughout this tutorial, we explored the basics of RTCs, learned about the AVR Atmega-328 microcontroller, designed the circuit, and programmed the microcontroller to display the time on an LCD display.

I hope this tutorial provided you with valuable insights into building an RTC. Feel free to experiment further and integrate additional features like alarm functionality or date tracking.

Happy hacking!

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