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G2Labs Grzegorz Grzęda

Linux 'rm' command

April 27, 2024

Mastering the Linux ‘rm’ Command: A Guide

The rm command in Linux is a powerful tool for removing files and directories. However, it is also a command that requires caution, as it does not have an undo feature and can permanently delete data if used incorrectly. In this guide, we will explore the rm command in depth, covering its basic usage as well as some advanced options and safety precautions.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for rm is rm [OPTION]... [FILE]....

To delete a single file, simply provide the file name as an argument:

rm file.txt

If the file is write-protected or owned by another user, rm will prompt you for confirmation. Adding the -f option will force the removal without any prompts:

rm -f file.txt

To delete multiple files at once, list them all as arguments:

rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Deleting Directories

To remove an empty directory, use the rmdir command. However, if you want to delete a directory and all its contents recursively, you need to use rm with the -r option:

rm -r directory

Be extremely cautious when using the -r option, as it recursively removes all files and subdirectories within the specified directory. There is no prompt for confirmation, so make sure you double-check the directory you are targeting.

Safety Precautions

To avoid accidental deletions and provide an extra layer of safety, consider using the -i (interactive) option. It prompts for confirmation before deleting each file:

rm -i file.txt

Alternatively, you can use the -I option, which is more conservative. It will prompt once before removing more than three files or recursively deleting directories:

rm -I file1.txt file2.txt directory

Deleting Files by Extension

The rm command can also accept wildcard characters to delete files based on specific patterns. For example, to remove all text files in a directory, you can use the * wildcard with the .txt extension:

rm *.txt

More Advanced Options

The rm command also provides additional options for different scenarios:

Moving Files to Trash

If you want to move files to the trash instead of permanently deleting them, consider using the trash-cli package. It provides a safer alternative to rm by moving files to a dedicated trash directory, allowing easy restoration if needed. To install it, run:

sudo apt-get install trash-cli

After installation, you can use the trash-put command to move files to the trash instead of rm.


The rm command is a powerful tool for file and directory deletion in Linux. Understanding its usage and options is crucial to avoid unintentional data loss. Remember to double-check your targets, use safety precautions, and consider alternative methods like the trash-cli package for a safer file deletion experience.

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