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Linux 'cd' command

May 5, 2024

Mastering the ‘cd’ Command in Linux

The ‘cd’ command is a fundamental tool in Linux that allows you to navigate between directories within your file system. Though seemingly simple, it offers several useful features that can greatly enhance your efficiency and productivity as a developer. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways you can make the most out of the ‘cd’ command, as well as demonstrate a range of practical examples.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the ‘cd’ command is straightforward: simply type cd followed by the target directory’s path. For instance, to navigate to the ‘Downloads’ directory, you can use the following command:

cd Downloads

In the absence of any flags or options, ‘cd’ will take you to your desired directory. However, there are several convenient shortcuts that can ease the navigation process.

Useful Tricks

Moving to the Home Directory

To quickly navigate to your home directory, you can use cd without any arguments:


Alternatively, you can use the tilde (~) symbol as a shortcut:

cd ~

Moving to the Previous Directory

If you want to jump back to the previous directory you were in, you can use the following command:

cd -

This can save you a significant amount of time when you need to switch back and forth between two directories.

Moving Up One Level

To navigate up one level in the directory structure, use the double dot (..):

cd ..

This is particularly useful when you want to switch to the parent directory of your current location.

Tab Completion

When typing long directory names, the ‘cd’ command supports tab completion. Simply type the initial characters of the directory name and press the Tab key. If there is a unique match, the command will be completed automatically. For example:

cd Down<Tab>

This will automatically complete the command to cd Downloads.

Absolute and Relative Paths

The ‘cd’ command allows you to navigate using absolute paths or relative paths. Absolute paths start with the root directory (/) and specify the complete path to the target directory. Relative paths are based on the current directory and only require the necessary steps to reach the target.

For instance, assuming you are in the ‘home’ directory and want to move to the ‘Documents’ directory, you can use both absolute and relative paths:

cd /home/user/Documents


cd ../../Documents

Creating and Navigating into Directories Simultaneously

Using the option -p with the ‘cd’ command allows you to create intermediate directories if they do not exist. This can be useful when you need to create a new directory and navigate into it right away. For example:

cd -p ~/workspace/new_project/src

This command creates the ‘new_project’ and ‘src’ directories if they don’t exist and navigates to the ‘src’ directory immediately.


The ‘cd’ command is a powerful and versatile tool in Linux that provides a range of convenient options for navigating directories. By making use of these shortcuts, advanced techniques, and a combination of absolute and relative paths, you can navigate your file system quickly and efficiently. Remember to leverage the tab completion feature to save yourself from typing lengthy directory names.

I hope this blog post has enhanced your understanding of the ‘cd’ command in Linux. By mastering its various features, you will be well-equipped to navigate your file system with ease and improve your productivity as a programmer. Happy coding!

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