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G2Labs Grzegorz Grzęda

Linux 'man' command

May 25, 2024

Mastering the Linux ‘man’ Command

The man command is a powerful tool included in most Linux distributions that provides extensive documentation for various commands, system calls, library functions, and configuration files. It stands for “manual,” and it’s an essential resource for both beginners and experienced users. In this post, I’ll guide you through using the man command effectively with a plethora of examples.

Basic Usage

To access the man pages, simply open your terminal and type man followed by the command or topic you want to learn more about. Here’s a basic example:

man ls

This will open the man page for the ls command, which displays information about listing directory contents.

Once you’re in a man page, you can navigate through it using several commands. The most common ones include:

Now, let’s explore some advanced features of the man command.

Using ‘man’ with Sections

Linux organizes man pages into different sections based on their categories. By default, man shows the first page found, which can be confusing when multiple man pages share the same name. To address this, you can specify the section number explicitly.

For instance, to access the man page for printf, you can use:

man 3 printf

The number ‘3’ corresponds to the libc programming interface section, which contains the documentation for C library functions.

Search Multiple Sections

Sometimes, you might not know which section a command belongs to or want to search through multiple sections simultaneously. The -a flag helps you achieve this.

man -a printf

This command will display all man pages containing the keyword “printf” across all sections.

Opening Specific ‘man’ Pages

Occasionally, you might want to open a specific man page directly, skipping the default first occurrence. To achieve this, use the -w flag.

man -w 8 passwd

This will print the path to the man page for the passwd command from section 8 (which deals with system administration).

Formatting ‘man’ Pages

The formatting of man pages can be customized according to your preferences. You can adjust the output width, choose between different page layouts, or colorize the pages. The -P flag allows you to specify a custom pager, which controls how the man pages are displayed.

man -P cat ls

In this example, the cat command is used as the pager to display the man page for ls.

Getting Help on ‘man’

If you ever need a quick reminder of how to use the man command itself, the --help option provides a concise summary of the available flags and basic usage patterns.

man --help


The man command is a comprehensive documentation tool that can significantly improve your Linux command-line experience. It helps you understand various commands, system calls, and configurations in depth. Start exploring the vast world of man pages today, and unlock new possibilities for your Linux journey!

I hope this guide has been useful in mastering the man command on Linux. Make the most of this powerful resource to enhance your knowledge and efficiency as a programmer. Happy coding!

Note: The examples provided in this post are tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

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