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Linux cat command

June 14, 2024

Mastering the ‘cat’ Command: A Versatile Tool for File Manipulation

If you have spent some time working with Linux, chances are you have come across the cat command. The cat command, short for concatenate, is a powerful utility that allows you to manipulate and view the contents of files. In this blog post, we will explore the various use cases of the cat command with extensive examples, empowering you to make the most of this versatile tool.

1. Basic Usage

At its core, the cat command is primarily used to display the contents of a file. To use it, simply type cat followed by the name of the file you want to display.

cat filename

By default, cat will output the entire content of the file to the terminal. This is useful for small files or when you want to quickly check the contents. However, for larger files, the output may scroll off the screen, making it hard to read.

2. Paging Output

One way to overcome the issue of large output is to use the less command in conjunction with cat. By piping the output of cat to less, we can easily scroll through the contents of a file.

cat filename | less

The less command allows you to navigate through the output using keyboard controls, making it easier to read long files.

3. Concatenating Files

As the name suggests, concatenation is the primary function of the cat command. Instead of displaying the contents of a single file, cat can combine multiple files together and print the result to the terminal or redirect it to another file.

cat file1 file2

In the example above, the contents of file1 will be displayed first, followed by the contents of file2. You can specify as many files as you want, and they will be concatenated in the order you provide.

4. Creating New Files

You can also use cat to create new files or append content to existing ones. To do this, we use the output redirection feature of the shell.

cat > newfile.txt

This command allows you to input text directly into the terminal, and when you press Ctrl + D to indicate the end of the input, cat will create a new file named newfile.txt containing the text you provided.

To append content to an existing file, use the append redirect operator >>:

cat >> existingfile.txt

This will append the input to the end of existingfile.txt without overwriting its existing content.

5. Numbering Lines

The cat command can also be used to number lines in a file. This is particularly useful when you want to refer to specific lines or analyze data.

cat -n filename

The -n option adds line numbers to each line of the file, making it easier to navigate or reference specific lines.

6. Displaying Non-Printable Characters

Often, files contain non-printable characters that are not visible when displayed using the regular cat command. In such cases, the cat command can be combined with other tools like od (octal dump) to visualize non-printable characters.

cat -v -t -e filename

The -v option displays non-printable characters as visible characters, the -t option adds tab characters ^I before each tab, and the -e option adds a dollar sign $ at the end of each line.


The cat command is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of file manipulation tasks. From simple file display to concatenating files and creating new ones, the cat command proves to be an essential tool in your Linux journey. By mastering the various options and techniques discussed in this blog post, you can harness the power of cat to enhance your productivity and perform complex file operations with ease.

So go ahead, experiment with the cat command and see how it can simplify your file manipulation tasks on Linux.

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