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Linux ln command

June 24, 2024

Understanding the Power of the ln Command in Linux

The Linux ln command is a versatile tool for creating links between files or directories. Its primary functionality is to create either hard links or symbolic links, allowing users to access files or directories in multiple locations. In this blog post, we will explore the various use cases of the ln command with extensive examples.

A hard link is a direct reference to the same underlying data as the original file. Any changes made to the original file are reflected in all hard links as well. To create a hard link, use the following syntax:

ln <source_file> <link_name>

Let’s take a closer look at an example to understand the concept:

ln file1.txt file2.txt

In this case, file2.txt is a hard link to file1.txt. They both point to the same underlying data, so modifying either file will affect the content of the other.

Unlike hard links, symbolic links (or soft links) are references to the original file or directory. Symbolic links act as shortcuts, pointing to the target’s path rather than directly to the data itself. To create a symbolic link, use the following syntax:

ln -s <source_file> <link_name>

Consider this practical example below:

ln -s /path/to/directory1/ link_to_directory1

Here, link_to_directory1 is a symbolic link to directory1. If we navigate to link_to_directory1, we will end up in directory1, as the symlink points to its target.

3. Overriding Existing Files or Directories

By default, the ln command will not allow you to create a link if the target already exists. However, you can override this behavior using the -f or --force option.

For instance, let’s say we have an existing file named file2.txt, and we want to create a link named file3.txt:

ln -f file2.txt file3.txt

In this case, the original file3.txt is overwritten with the contents of file2.txt.

The ln command also allows us to create links for directories. However, you need to use the -d option to achieve this.

For example, to create a hard link for a directory named dir1, use the following syntax:

ln -d dir1 dir2

This creates a hard link dir2 that points to the same directory as dir1, enabling access to the same content from two different paths.

To determine whether a file is a hard link or a symbolic link, you can use the -i or --interactive option with the ls command.

ls -li file1.txt

In the resulting output, the first column represents the inode number. If two or more files have the same inode number, they are hard links. If the l flag is displayed at the start, the file is a symbolic link.


The ln command provides flexibility and efficiency when it comes to managing files and directories in Linux. Understanding the differences between hard links and symbolic links can help you choose the appropriate type of link for your needs. With a better grasp of its usage and options, you can leverage the ln command to create links with confidence.

I hope you found this guide to using the ln command useful. Experiment with different scenarios and unleash the power of linking files and directories in your Linux environment!

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